304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

About Us

Roya, Noemie and Jon

About us

We are a mixed family from Germany and the United States that met in Vietnam and fell in love in Paris. Pretty typical stuff. It might have been these experiences, or extensive traveling, becoming parents or a love for stimulants – whatever it was, we felt the need for a drink that wouldn’t leave us jittery and dehydrated like our third cup of coffee.

After some close family friends turned us on to mushroom-based teas and coffees, we got a shock when we saw how expensive they were. So we decided to make our own – an even better version with a richer flavour and more nutritious ingredients.

Combining Roya’s experience in trade marketing for a leading soda brand in Germany, and Jon’s experience in sustainability and all things food, drinks and design – we created our own company.

We believe in making the world a better place by making ourselves better people. People who treat each other like we want to be treated, and the environment like the mother to us all that it is.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will this keep me up at night?

A: Myco:chai has 1/6th the amount of caffeine as coffee, which comes mostly from the cacao powder. However cacao has ten times more Theobromine than it does caffeine, which boosts both mood and alertness with far fewer side effects than caffeine. Meaning no jitters and sleepless nights.

Q: Why is it so chunky? What’s that at the bottom of the cup?

A: We buy all the ingredients from organic wholesalers and mix them ourselves. Meaning not all the ingredients easily dissolve in hot water. You can help it dissolve by stirring often, or simply add more hot water at the end to drink up the rest of the valuable nutrients and minerals. Or, you can just leave the dregs for mother nature.

Q: What are those floating white pieces?

A: That’s the coconut milk powder, an ingredient that likes to stick together – defying all our attempts at pestling it. Is pestling even a word?

Q: Why can we only buy this in New Mexico?

A: We have a food cottage license in New Mexico, which restricts our sales to staying within the state of New Mexico. This will change in the future as we expand.

Q: Where do you get your ingredients, and are they organic?

A: We source our ingredients from an organic wholesaler out of California, who work directly with their suppliers from all over the world to ensure they are 100% organic and top quality. Even though our ingredients are almost all organic, we haven’t paid for an organic label, yet.

Q: Why is it so expensive?

A: Because we use as many high-quality organic ingredients as possible, the price is naturally higher. Our functional mushroom blend is the bulk of the price, and we use several times more mushrooms per serving than any of our competitors – at much less of a price.

Q: What does your logo and slogan mean?

A: Our slogan is “grounded by nature”. This has multiple meanings: 1) our products are all natural and come from the ground, 2) we believe nature can “ground” people to what is important in life – family, friends, beliefs, purpose, culture… the environment, and 3) by drinking this natural product, one becomes more connected to the earth from which the ingredients came. Therefore the logo is a combination of a mushroom and a grounded symbol used often by electricians or engineers.

Q: Can I buy in bulk or only in 1 or 5 oz. bags?

A: Contact us directly at and we can work something out :).